: Esophagopleural fistula and Pyopneumothorax: A rare presentation of Cervical Esophageal Duplication Cyst in a newborn
Cervical esophageal duplication cyst is a very rare congenital anomaly and rarer is the presence of esophago-pleural fistula and pyopneumothorax in association with it. We report a case of 2-days-old male neonate who presented with progressively increasing respiratory distress since birth, requiring mechanical ventilation. He developed right-sided pyopneumothorax and chest intubation done. But when enteral feed initiated, it appeared in the chest tube. Contrast studies suggested esophago-pleural fistula and neck thoracotomy done. However, per-operatively a ruptured cervical esophageal duplication cyst was found with a fistulous communication with the pleural cavity. It was excised surgically and patient recovered.
Keywords: Cervical esophageal duplication cyst, Esophagopleural fistula, Pyopneumothorax