The effect of physical activity on the attention of schoolchildren


  • Georgiy Polevoy Moscow Aviation Institute


Objective: the influence of physical activity in physical education lessons on the attention indicators of schoolchildren

Methods: the study was conducted in a secondary school in Russia, it was attended by ninth graders aged 15-16 years in the number of 141 schoolchildren. The main research method was the “Trondyke Test”, which determines the level of attention development of schoolchildren. The test was used before and after the physical education lesson 1 time per month for 5 months  

Results: children who did not engage in physical education in the lesson were not able to significantly improve their performance in the test, which indicates a possible adaptation to the test after its first performance before the lesson. Children who were engaged in physical exercises were able to significantly increase the test results

Conclusion: the results obtained determine the effectiveness of the influence of a physical education lesson at school on the indicators of children's attention. This study will serve as an additional motivation for children to engage in physical culture, since the impact of physical exercises has a positive effect not only on the development of physical qualities, but also on the attention of schoolchildren




