Trend of Container usage and sleeping position among Infants and their effects on developing Container Baby Syndrome
Objective: To determine the trend of Container usage and Sleeping Position among infants and their effect on developing CBS.
Study Design: Cross-Sectional.
Place and Duration: Conducted on 179 Mother Infant dyads of different day-care Centers of Lahore from March 2022 to June 2022.
Materials and Methods: Data was collected using non-probability convenience sampling. Parental survey was filled by mothers and Gross motor developments of infants were assessed by the examiner using Alberta Infant Motor Scale. Data was analyzed using SPSS-27.
Results: Out of 179 infants, age of 37.43% were above 12 months, 33.52% were 8-12 months and 29.05% were between 3-8 months. 48.04% were females and 51.96% were males. Most frequent sleeping position was supine lying with 58.10% then prone lying and side lying with 11.17% and 7.26% respectively. 70.95% infants used containers for more than 5 hours, 21.23% for 3-5 hours and 7.82% for 1-3 hours. As the value of correlation coefficient <.9, there is significant association between AIMS score, sleep positions and container usage as p value were <0.05.
Conclusion: Infants who use containers frequently tends to have less AIMS score than infants who spent less time in containers. CBS happens as a result of bad child parenting techniques and less prone positioning. Infants who lie on their back most of the time in containers like baby cot developed flat head. Infants must learn independently by exploring their surroundings and mastering motor skills.