About the Journal

The articles submitted are assessed initially by the Editors and a primary decision ia made regarding further processing. Once such a decision is made, the article is reviewed anonymously by four reviewers including a statistical reviewer. When there is no agreement among the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to another reviewer. The whole exercise takes about 16-24 weeks till acceptance or rejection. The final decision regarding acceptance rests with the Editorial Board and the Chief Editor. This journal provides free open access to its content. The journal is abstracted/indexed by Biomedical and scientific indices: in Scimago, Scopus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus WHO – IMEMR & Global Health/CAB Abstracts, Pakmedinet, and Medlip – College of Physicions and Surgeon of Pakistan (CPSP), Karachi. It is recognized by Pakistan Medical Dental Councal (PMDC) and Higher Education Comission (HEC) of Pakistan

Publication Fees: The journal publishes articles free of cost.

The Online Edition

The online edition contains all materials from the print edition, in addition to articles published only online in the Electronic Contents section of the journal. The online version of Pakistan Pediatric Journal is considered the journal of record. Archives of past issues are available. Pakistan Pediatric Journal supports and adheres to the guidelines responsible for publishing online for free access to science. Articles published in the Electronic Pages section of the journal, all policy statements from the Pakistan Pediatric Association, and specific articles deemed important to the general public are made freely available immediately upon publication. Pakistan Pediatric Journal is made freely available to institutions and individuals at national and international level.

ABOUT Pakistan Pediatric Association

The online edition contains all material from the print edition, in addition to articles published only online in the Electronic Contents section of the journal. The online version of Pakistan Pediatric Journal is considered the journal of record. Archives of past issues are available. Pakistan Pediatric Journal supports and adheres to the guidelines responsible for publishing online for free access. Articles published in the Electronic Pages section of the journal, all policy statements from the Pakistan Pediatric Association, and specific articles deemed important to the general public are made freely available immediately upon publication. Pakistan Pediatric Journal is made freely available to institutions and individuals at national and international level.

The mission of the Pakistan Pediatric Association is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. For this purpose, the Pakistan Pediatric Association and its members dedicate their efforts and resources. Pakistan Pediatric Association brings together a constellation of policy documents. Policy statements, clinical reports, clinical practice guidelines, technical reports and affirmation of values can now be found in one convenient location in Pakistan Pediatric Journal.