Physical activity levels and its relation with body mass index between public and private school children

Physical activity level between public and private school children



Physical activity, Physical activity questionnaire, Body mass index, Public and private school children



Objective: The goal of this research was to determine the physical activity levels and its relation with body mass index between public and private school children of Lahore.

Study Design: The research was conducted in a cross-sectional manner.

Place and Duration of Study: The research was carried out at the Pak-Turk School and the Government High School in Lahore for six months’ time, from September 2021 to March 2022.

Material and Methods: Study used a sample size of 165 students of grade VI-VIII. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was used. Male and female students aged between 8-14 years represented the sample of this study. The physical activity questionnaire (PAQC) was used as outcome measure. Students having any congenital deformities and disability or any acute disease were excluded as they could interfere with the results of study. SPSS 25 was used for data analysis.

Results: Out of 165 students 51.5% were male and 48.5% female. Students from public school constituted 55.2% while 44.8% private school students. Students’ age mean was 13.20±1.284. BMI ranges indicated 34.5% underweight, 52.7% normal, 10.3% over weight and 2.4% obese students. Physical activity level of students was documented in 165 students a 74.5% with moderate level and 25.5% with low physical activity level

Conclusion: The findings showed that 75% students having moderate and 25% having low physical activity levels with no student having high physical activity level in both public and private school. The study show that most of normal BMI students have moderate  PA level while overweight and obese children have low PA level. Results indicated more moderate level of physical activity among public school children compared with private school children.

Keywords: Physical activity, Physical activity questionnaire, Body mass index, Public and private school children




