Difference in Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours between Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual disability and Stress in Mothers

Inappropriate sexual behaviours in ASD & ID



Adolescents, inappropriate sexual behaviours, stress, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability


Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the inappropriate sexual behaviours exhibited by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) and stress experienced by their mothers.

Method: Between group research design was used. Sample consisted of two groups; ASD and ID adolescents. First group consisted of 40 mothers of ASD adolescents and respective 40 teachers who were dealing with those ASD adolescents. Second group was comprised of 50 mothers of ID adolescents and 50 teachers of respective ID adolescents. Sample was collected through purposive sampling from different special education schools and rehabilitation centers of Lahore, Pakistan. Childhood autism rating scale-I, Slosson intelligence test-III, Sexual behaviours scale and Parental stress scale were administered.

Results: Independent sample t-test revealed adolescents with ASD showed more inappropriate sexual behaviours, had less knowledge of privacy, and less socialization as compared to ID. No significant differences were found in stress experienced by mothers of adolescents with ASD and ID. Paired sample t-test showed no statistically significant differences between mothers and teachers reports for sexual behaviours of adolescents with ASD and ID. An exact test of Monte Carlo revealed no significant association between age and inappropriate sexual behaviours in adolescents with autism. Two-way ANOVA showed no significant effects of gender and birth-order on inappropriate sexual behaviours for adolescent with ASD and ID.

Conclusion: The findings of the present study will be helpful for teachers working in special schools and also for mothers to understand the sexual behaviours of adolescents with ASD and ID.

Author Biographies

Anam Ali, Children's Hospital & Institute of Child Health Sciences, Lahore

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

Clinical Psychologist

Saira Jabeen

Government Secondary Special Education Center, Bahawalnagar, Pakistan




