Harlequin Ichathyosis

Case report


  • Hafiza Saba Javed Aziz Fatima Medical and dental college


Harlequin Ichathyosis


Abstract: Ichthyosis is a genetic autosomal disorder in which skin formation in a fetus does not occur. The patient generally presented with hyperkeratosis scaly and dry skin. In Harlequin ichthyosis is the severity of this disease, in which a baby showers without skin. Sometimes new borne presented without external body parts such as the nose, ear, lips, hypoplastic fingers, and limitation of mobility. A 27-year-old female TPAL, 2,0,0,2 with no history of gestational diabetes and hypertension was admitted from OPD to the Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Complex Hospital, Faisalabad. Gestational age was 38 weeks according to the calculation of 1st day of the last menstrual period. On the last Ultrasound no Remarkable complications. A male baby was born with Harlequin Ichthyosis.





Case Report