A Comparison of efficacy of Curosurf vs Survanta in Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: Experience at Neonatology unit of Reccep Tayyap Erdgan Hospital (The Indus Hospital), Muzaffar Garh.
Meconium aspiration syndrome, Surfactant Curosurf Survanta,Abstract
Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Curosurf vs Survanta surfactant in Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
Method: Infants with meconium aspiration syndrome were diagnosed who developed respiratory distress postnatally but having either antental sonoligical evidence of meconium staining of amniotic fluid or postnatally mconium staining of hair, umbilical cord, skin, nails and vocal cords along with radiological evidence. All neonates with MAS having gestational age more than 35 weeks and required Fio2 > 40 % were included in the study. Two different types of surfactants were administered depending on the availability i.e Curosurf or Survanta, in the dosage of 100 mg/kg /dose.
Results: Out of 59 included newborns, 27 were given Curosurf and 32 were given Survanta. There was no differences among the two groups with regards to gender,birth weight, mode of delivery, place of birth, birth attended by healthcare persons. Groups were similar in terms of total duration of oxygen days in Curosurf group vs Survanta group (10.9±2.01 vs 10.9±1.09), invasive ventilation days (5.07± 5.19 vs 5.53±7.15) and duration of CPAP therapy (1.3±1.47 vs 1.47±1.79) in days. There was no significant difference among both groups related with duration of hospital stay (13.1 ± 10.39 vs 13.2 ± 9.19 days (p =0.965), nor any significant statistical difference in mortality.
Conclusion: In our study, both groups showed no difference regarding short term respiratory outcomes. Though statistically insignificant but in terms of need for second dosage, duration of invasive ventilation and CPAP and complication in the form of pneumothorax, better respiratory outcome trend was observed with Curosurf.
Key words: Meconium aspiration syndrome, Surfactant, Curosurf, Survanta,